Mrs. Krueth's Elementary Library Check-Out Policy
Kindergarten will begin checking out books to "stay at school" at the end of first quarter, they will begin taking books home in January. They may check out one book and must return the book before another one is checked out. Books are overdue after two weeks and notes will be sent home. All books are due back in the library at the end of second semester.
First and second grades may check out one book. Overdue notes are sent out after two weeks. All books are due back in the library at the end of first semester and second semester.
Third through fifth grades may check out two books. One book must be an AR book on their grade level until the student has met their AR goal. Books are overdue after two weeks and notes will be sent home. Students cannot check out a book if they have an overdue book. All books are due back in the library at the end of first semester and second semester.
Lost or damaged books must be paid for before another book can be checked out. Students are welcome to search the shelves for a lost book, however, there will be no refund if a lost book is later found either at home or school. The book will rather be considered a donation to the school. (handbook page 13)
Mrs. Dyer's MS/HS Library Check-Out Policy
All MS/HS students are allowed to check-out up to two books at a time and books need to be returned or renewed within 2 weeks. All books are due back to the library at the end of the 2nd semester.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Krueth at or Mrs. Dyer at
*If school is canceled due to weather the town library will also be closed, but may open later in the afternoon.